Student's Voice
P. O, Italy
I am 34 years old but when I arrived in Japan I became a student again. a student of Japanese. If you work in Japan “Language Studio Maru” is perfect for you. Lessons are private and the schedule is customizable, The school is very near the station and, most importantly, Tsue-sensei is very good at teaching. Furthermore, there is a quiet dog. This dog sometime helps answering questions! Hehehe, a joke of course.
I am a bad student but after studying I was able to get the JLPT N3. Therefore I strongly recommend “Language Studio Maru”. Please visit the school and check for yourself.
Tsue-sensei has 10 years’ experience in teaching and there are plenty of materials to help you study in the way you like the most. “Language Studio Maru” will adapt to your studying style for the benefit of your learning.
S. P, England
Tsue-sensei has been a great help with my Japanese. She is always professional, flexible and very patient. In fact, I wonder how she puts up with me sometimes because I am very busy, sometimes impatient, and I don’t study nearly hard enough.
M. Q. R.
I initially found out about Language Studio Maru through a co-worker who was attending the school at the time. I signed up because of the affordable price and I’ve kept going for probably just over 3 years now because of the quality of the lessons.
I thoroughly enjoy all my lessons with Manriki sensei. She gives me plenty of chances to speak during the lessons, the sheets she uses are very helpful for practising grammar and her explanations are easy to understand. On the off chance that she cannot answer a question straight away, she is more than happy to check and explain it at a later date.
Manriki sensei has helped me a great deal throughout my Japanese language journey. When I first came to Japan I did not speak a word of Japanese but through hard work and with the help of Language Studio Maru I am now able to get through most days without any major problems. I have even been able to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency N2 level with ease. If you’re interested in improving your Japanese, I would highly recommend Language Studio Maru.
M. R, Czechia,
Ač pro výkon své práce japonštinu prakticky nepotřebuji, nahlédl jsem záhy, že pro život mimo čtyři stěny mého bytu si s angličtinou nevystačím.
Před příjezdem do Japonska jsem sice absolvoval prakticky jako samouk přípravu na zkoušku JLPT N5, kterou jsem zázrakem úspěšně složil, ale ve výsledku mé znalosti tvořily nesourodé náhodné chuchvalce poznatků, které volně proplouvaly mojí myslí. V samotném Japonsku jsem ještě chvíli bojoval s nároky nového jazyka sám, ale nebylo možné jinak, než vyhledat pomoci odborníka.
Mé skromné požadavky byly zpevnit základy vystavené nad postarší verzí učebnice Minna no Nihongo, indiviuální výuka za příznivou cenu, rodilý mluvčí, přiměřená vzdálenost a časová dostupnost.
Výsledkem hledání bylo právě Studio Maru. Bez mučení se přiznám, že hodiny splnily má očekávání. Paní učitelka Manriki je trpělivost sama, umí však celkem rychle odhlalit neznalosti, které se snažím maskoval, leč mohu. Na hodiny se těším jako na společenský dýchanek u dobrého čaje, neb hodina se přes všechno nutné cvičení a pilování gramatiky nese v přátelském duchu, takže v neformálním stylu mohu pokoušet své konverzační schopnosti z kraje hodiny. Mým cílem je teď další zkouška z JLPT, tak snad se nám společně podaří. PS: Moje šiba-inu se jmenuje stejně jako jazykové studio, kde na vás číhá také jedna roztomilá babička rodu šiba.
I don't really need Japanese to do my job, I soon saw that I wouldn't be able to do with only English outside the four walls of my apartment. Before arriving in Japan, I was practically self-taught in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam, which I miraculously passed, But as a result, I only knew random clusters of Japanese. I was still struggling for a while with the demands of the new language, but I couldn't find the right teacher. I started out only wanting to solidify the learning I had done from my textbook Minna no Nihongo, and get one-on-one lessons for a good price from native speakers, at a reasonable distance and availability. The result of the search was Language Studio - Maru. And it met all of my needs.. Mrs. Manriki is very patient and will see through any bluffs or ignorance quickly. I always look forward to the lesson because the hour always passes quickly and happily despite the demands of learning new vocabulary and grammar. So, in an informal style I can try my conversational skills the whole time. Now, my goal is now another JLPT exam, so maybe we can do it together.
C. G. New Zealand
I had struggled to find a Japanese school that would be both affordable and meet my needs as a student. I was so lucky to find Language Studio - Maru. Manriki-san is a wonderul teacher. She takes the time to know and understand her students and uses the best method to teach them. Her classes are incredibly well organized and prepared and she makes a lot of her own materials! She has helped me grow from not being able to speak at all to passing JLPT N5 very quickly and easily. She teaches with a lot of humour and personality, so you always have a fun and interesting lesson.
Manriki-san has also helped me to understand a lot about Japan and the Japanese people and culture. This, and the Japanese she has taught me, has made Japan a wonderful place to live for many years. I would have been a little lost without her. Thank you Language Studio - Maru!